{Disarmed} Instagram is toxic for young teenagers according to a report by Facebook itself, who until now said otherwise in public
"32% of girls say that when they feel bad about their body, Instagram makes them feel worse, " says an internal report called 'The Facebook Files', as described by the Wall Street Journal . This in-depth investigation of the social network corroborates something that many experts had previously warned about, that the social network generates a significant health problem, increases anxiety and makes you feel less valuable. Despite repeated warnings about the negative impact of Instagram on many young women, to date the official stance and public speeches of Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook executives such as Adam Mosseri, CEO of Instagram, had been to downplay the issue . In xiaomist.com I am 19 years old and I do not use social networks When Zuckerberg was asked in March 2021 about children and mental health, his response was "using social apps to connect with other people can have mental health benefits." An answer almost diametrically opposite to what...