Easter offers at MediaMarkt-Saturn: These 10 deals are really worth it

Easter offers at MediaMarkt-Saturn: These 10 deals are really worth it

"Technology festival for the Easter nest" at MediaMarkt-Saturn

You can get plenty of good deals at MediaMarkt-Saturn's Easter campaign (view campaign at MediaMarkt). We checked the offers, compared the prices and present you the highlights here . Who is wondering: The two electronics store chains have been working even more closely together since this year and are therefore fully synchronizing their discount campaigns . That means you get exactly the same offers from both providers. But be careful: The discount campaign only runs until April 10th, 2023 at 11:59 p.m.

You can also benefit if you register for the MediaMarkt-Saturn loyalty program, as you will also receive additional loyalty points for the purchase, which you can later redeem for purchases.

Easter offers at MediaMarkt-Saturn checked: the 10 best deals

MediaMarkt / Saturn: This is how we find the best technology bargains

The electronics stores MediaMarkt and Saturn are probably among the largest providers of technology and multimedia items in Germany. There are new promotions, brochures and campaigns at regular intervals, which attract customers with many different offers from areas such as TV and audio, gaming and even toys. Above all, anyone looking for a new smartphone can find what they are looking for here and secure a cheap mobile phone tariff directly in the MediaMarkt tariff world or Saturn tariff world. There are also many insider tips hidden in the outlet and in the treasure trove. But no matter what you are looking for, the motto is always: compare prices! We have already done that for you, looked closely at the current offers and compared them with those of other retailers. For this reason, we only present you with deals that cannot be found cheaper in any other online shop.


  1. Wow, these Easter offers at MediaMarkt-Saturn are fantastic! I’ve been eyeing a few gadgets for a while, and now it looks like the perfect time to grab them with these discounts. I’ve been so busy lately that I’m struggling to keep up with my studies. Anyone know where I can find someone reliable to take my online class for me? It would be a huge help! Thanks for sharing this info, I’m definitely going to check out these deals before the sale ends!


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