Android Auto Beta 9.3 available

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Google has already started a new beta, and a new test version of Android Auto is being distributed again. Now Google has already rolled out Android Auto Beta 9.3 to users for testing.

Google continues to update its Android Auto app. In recent months, Google has been releasing new trial versions of Android Auto at an increasing rate.

Android Auto 9.3.1313 is the latest beta and you can download and install it now. The beta was released today, April 4th, 2023 and has the following changes on board:

  • The Do Not Disturb feature has been improved.
  • Dark mode on car UI is now phone independent.
  • Bug fixes and other improvements.

The APK is probably already available for download in the Google Pay Store for beta testers, but you can also download the file from APKMirror and then install it.


The Android Auto Beta 9.3 available post appeared first on xiaomist's blog .


  1. Android Auto Beta 9.3 is now available, offering enhanced performance and new features for a smoother driving experience. Additionally, the update includes a handy VAT Calculator to assist users with their financial needs on the go.


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