Android 13 QPR3 Beta 1 is scheduled for release next week

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Google could roll out the Android 13 QPR3 Beta 1 next Monday. This beta will allow users to get an early look at the Android 13 QPR3 release, which will debut sometime in June.

However, Google is currently having some problems distributing its current patches and the Pixel Feature Drop from March 2023. Both have been postponed, no one knows why. In any case, I didn't get one or the other.

But back to the Android 13 QPR3 Beta 1. While Google hasn't elaborated on what will be included in the new beta, it does point out that those signed up in the current beta program will automatically get the latest update received as soon as it is published. And this should be ready on March 13th.


The Android 13 QPR3 Beta 1 post scheduled for release next week appeared first on xiaomist's blog .


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