Note 11 Pro+ 5G not connecting to Android Auto.

Hi Folks, A month ago, I got a brand new Note 11 Pro+ 5g 256gb variant. I'm trying to connect it to Android Auto in my car (Toyota Glanza G - 2022 model). Every time I connect, it only starts charging, there is no USB options in my phone nor does it detect the connection. I even tried manually connecting by opening android auto from settings but it doesn't detect the USB connection. The same cable works with every other phone. I tried it with Vivo, Samsung, and even iPhone (with its own cable). But it doesn't work with my phone. My phone doesn't even detect the connection. only charges. I tried a different cable and a USB hub as well. neither of them worked. I don't have dual apps enabled nor have I enabled any other features in the app. I don't know what could possible be wrong with this damn phone! If anybody else is having this kind of issues, please suggest. Thanks!


  1. UPDATE: tried OnePlus type c cable and it worked like a charm!

  2. When I connect my Xiaomi 11 Lite (MIUI 13) to Tata Nexon then it goes into endless loop..

  3. Do you have the amazon link please??


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