Huawei MatePad Pro 12.6 (2022) certified

Huawei MatePad Pro 12.6

Huawei recently certified new tablets with model numbers WGR-W09, WGR-W19, WGRR-W09 and WGRR-W19 at the 3C in China. According to the information, these models apparently belong to the upcoming Huawei MatePad Pro 12.6 (2022).

According to the 3C listing, the upcoming Huawei MatePad Pro 12.6 (2022) has a maximum charging power of 40 watts (10VDC, 4A). There is currently no information about possible technical data of the upcoming tablet.

Last year, Huawei introduced the MatePad Pro 12.6, the first large-screen tablet to come preinstalled with the HarmonyOS operating system. So now the successor seems to be getting ready to take the stage.

It is also currently not known when Huawei plans to introduce the MatePad Pro 12.6 (2022). A release in the summer could probably be quite possible.

Huawei Central

The Huawei MatePad Pro 12.6 (2022) certified post first appeared on xiaomist's blog .


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