Google Pixel 7 sold on eBay five months early

Google Pixel 7 sold on eBay five months early

When introducing the Pixel 6a, Google already gave a preview of the Pixel 7 and many other products that the company plans to launch in the near future. Even Google might be surprised that things are suddenly happening so quickly. The Pixel 7 has already been offered on eBay.

Google Pixel 7 already landed on eBay

Sometimes you wonder how Google can make so many mistakes in keeping its new developments secret. Even the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro appeared in countless leaks months before the official launch. Google wanted to counteract this this year by showing the Pixel 7 in advance – half a year before it was even presented. But even Google probably didn't expect such a faux pas . The Pixel 7 was simply offered on eBay:

Of course, this is clearly a prototype of the Pixel 7, which should not yet correspond to the final model. Nevertheless, you get some details about the smartphone. For example, the edges around the screen still appear very wide . As expected, the internal memory is 128 GB and a dual camera is installed on the back. Nothing wild, but very strange that such a prototype of the Pixel 7 was so freely available that the smartphone can be sold on eBay.

Google has already shown the new Pixel devices in advance in the video:

Google Pixel 7 with Android 13 not expected until October

It will be almost five months before we can actually hold the Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro in our hands. If Google sticks to its schedule, the launch will take place at the end of October. The smartphone will then appear directly with Android 13. Until then, more information is likely to emerge.


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