Xiaomi will present the prototype of its electric car in the third quarter of 2022

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In March last year, it was announced that Xiaomi would enter the electric car market. This was announced by the company's boss and founder, Lei Jun. He is personally leading the new project and it should be the last of his career as Xiaomi CEO. At the same time, it was announced that the company will introduce its first electric car in 2024.

It seems that Xiaomi has made serious progress in its quest to launch an electric car and is ready to present the latest result of its work. The CEO of the company's Beijing and Tianjin branches said there is a "breakthrough" in the development of the car. The company intends to present a technical sample of the vehicle in the third quarter of this year.

At the moment, the company has a sub-brand called Xiaomi Automobile Co. Ltd. with a registered capital of $1.57 billion and more than 500 employees. The plan is to build a plant for the production of electric cars with an annual production of 300,000 vehicles.

To complete the project, Xiaomi will invest up to $10 billion over 10 years. During the announcement, the manufacturer did not provide any information about the future electric car's characteristics, design or price.


The post Xiaomi will present prototype of its electric car in Q3 2022 appeared first on xiaomist's blog .


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