Xiaomi TDS water quality tester for less than €10

Xiaomi, currently the most renowned Chinese technology company, has stood out for creating quality technological products at a low price , an example of this is the Xiaomi portable TDS, a very economical water quality tester .


Xiaomi Portable TDS Specifications

Thanks to this water quality tester you will be able to know with a single click if the water in your home or in any other place where you are, can be consumed .

  • It has a TDS IPX6 waterproof pen to carry out the test and it is precisely this that allows you to know if the water you consume requires purification.
  • It has a detection range of 0-9990 and the probe is antioxidant, made of metal.
  • The average size of the Xiaomi TDS is 90 x 50 x 40mm .
  • The Xiaomi portable TDS can be calibrated to detect various types of impurities in the water , specifically three: the presence of ionic organic compounds such as ammonium acetate, heavy metal ions such as copper and soluble salts such as magnesium.


How to use the Xiaomi TDS water quality tester?

Thanks to the fact that its size is quite small and you can take it with you wherever you go and its use is simple:

  • All you have to do is submerge the tip of the tester in water and press the button to turn on the device.
  • In fractions of seconds you will receive a numerical value that expresses the quality of the water you are analyzing. The level of purity that the Xiaomi portable TDS generates is very precise.

Where can I use the water purity tester?

xiaomi tds water quality tester

You can use it wherever you want, whether you want to know the level of purity of domestic water or you are traveling in another country and need to know if the local water is consumable. It can also be used in swimming pools, beauty clubs; When it is required to check the quality of the water, the Xiaomi portable TDS is very useful .

What is the sale price of this Xiaomi water tester?

As we mentioned at the beginning, Xiaomi specializes in creating quality products at low prices, this device is no exception because you can buy it for approximately 10-11 euros .

Do not risk consuming any water without knowing its quality, with this small Xiaomi device you can be calmer .

See Xiaomi TDS water quality tester


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