Xiaomi sold over 190 million smartphones in 2021

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Xiaomi has now announced its achievements in 2021. According to the company's fourth-quarter report, Xiaomi Group's total revenue reached 85.6 billion yuan (US$13 billion), up 21.4 percent year-on-year; Adjusted net profit reached 4.5 billion yuan (US$0.71 billion), up 39.6 percent year on year.

In 2021, Xiaomi Group's total revenue reached 328.3 billion yuan (US$52 billion), up 33.5 percent year on year; Adjusted net profit reached 22 billion yuan (US$3.46 billion), up 69.5 percent year on year.

As for smartphones, Xiaomi's products continued to sell well around the world in 2021. In terms of both global shipments and market share, Xiaomi smartphones hit record highs. Notably, global shipments of smartphones reached 190 million units, up 30.0 percent year-on-year.

As evidenced by Canalys, Xiaomi will take first place in 14 global markets in 2021. The company is also among the top five in 62 global markets and second in the European market.

Thanks to the steady progress of the internationalization strategy, Xiaomi has been quite successful in 2021 around the world. The company's performance in the non-Chinese market has continued to grow strongly. In 2021, overseas market revenue was 163.6 billion yuan (US$21 billion), up 33.7 percent year-on-year and accounting for 49.8 percent of total revenue.

Xiaomi was also able to hold its ground well in the market for premium smartphones.

In 2021, Xiaomi shipped more than 24 million premium smartphones worldwide priced at 3,000 yuan ($412) or more in mainland China and $300 or more overseas. That is twice as much as a year before.

Among them, overseas shipments of premium smartphones priced at €300 or more increased by more than 160 percent year-on-year.


The post Xiaomi sold over 190 million smartphones in 2021 first appeared on xiaomist's blog .


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