Xiaomi says goodbye to Mi Fit which is renamed Zepp Life

Can't find the Mi Fit app in the app store? This is because Huami, the developer of said application and manufacturer of the different Xiaomi Bands, has taken the last step in its process of separation and independence from Xiaomi .

Now the Mi Fit app has been renamed Zeep Life . If we go into the Google Play Store we can see how the name has changed, as well as its logo . A process that will take a few days to complete.

Goodbye My Fit, Hello My Fitness

As we said, the Mi Fit application has changed its name to continue its separation from Xiaomi . This has acquired the name of the Huami subsidiary, thus continuing the process that we saw some time ago with the application that links Amazfit watches.

Xiaomi dice adiós a Mi Fit que pasa a llamarse Zeep Life. Noticias Xiaomi A
My Fit is now Zepp Life

Now, to link our Xiaomi bracelets or watches we must use the Mi Fitness application , which is also already available for free in the Google Play Store for download .

The process will take a few days or even weeks to fully complete . We will have to see what other changes Xiaomi and Huami make and if these end up influencing the company's next bracelet, the Xiaomi Smart Band 7.

The entry Xiaomi says goodbye to Mi Fit which is renamed Zepp Life was first published in xiaomist: Xiaomi news and news website


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