Xiaomi manages to shoot its profits by 70% compared to the previous year

Xiaomi published this morning its latest financial report regarding the past 2021. A great year for the company, which has managed to shoot up its profits no less than 70% compared to the previous year.

In 2021, Xiaomi managed to achieve a total revenue of 328.3 billion yuan, that is, about 46.87 billion euros at the exchange rate . This has meant an adjusted profit of 22,000 million yuan, 3,140 million euros, thus representing a year-on-year increase of 69.5% .

190 million mobile phones sold worldwide

To achieve this increase in profits, Xiaomi managed to sell around 190 million smartphones worldwide . Above all, a rather striking figure, which in turn represents an increase of 30% compared to 2020.

Xiaomi consigue disparar sus ganancias un 70% respecto al anterior año. Noticias Xiaomi A

After publishing this data, Xiaomi added that it will continue to improve its investment in research and development , in order to continue offering the latest technology at the best price. Recall that Xiaomi's R&D spending reaches 1,800 million euros at the exchange rate throughout 2021.

A definitive, a great year for Xiaomi as a company , despite the fact that other companies like Realme have been gaining ground. We will see what happens in 2022 and if its latest smartphones manage to have such a good reception.

The entry Xiaomi manages to shoot up its profits by 70% compared to the previous year was first published in xiaomist: Xiaomi news and news website


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