Retrofitting 5G in smartphones: This is how Huawei wants to achieve the impossible

Retrofitting 5G in smartphones: This is how Huawei wants to achieve the impossible

Huawei has had a problem for a while. The Chinese company is cut off from modern technologies such as 5G by US sanctions and can only launch smartphones with 4G. Now they came up with an interesting idea how to get around this.

Huawei develops smartphone case with 5G modem

If you buy a current high-end smartphone like the P50 Pro from Huawei for over 1,000 euros, you get the most modern hardware, but only a 4G modem. An unbelievable disadvantage when you consider that even 200-euro cell phones now have a 5G modem and are therefore future-proof. Huawei probably wants to solve this problem with a very unusual idea. They want to offer a case for smartphones, where a 5G modem is integrated and operated via the USB-C port (source: ithome). It should look like this:

So you would end up with a normal case, but it plugs into the USB-C port and activates a 5G modem in the case. You could dial into the modern 5G network , which is a basic requirement, especially in Asia.

However, Huawei's case is said to have one disadvantage. The 5G reception is not supposed to be that great. You can get into the 5G network, but you don't get the network quality that you get with a smartphone that comes with a factory-fitted 5G modem that's perfectly equipped for mobile use. This could also have a very negative impact on battery life. That's why there aren't any cases like that. However, Huawei is in an emergency situation and could rely on such a solution.

The latest folding cell phone from Huawei also does without a 5G modem:

Is such a 5G case from Huawei coming to Germany?

That's hard to say at the moment. In Germany, 5G is not the biggest problem that Huawei has with its smartphones. The lack of Google apps and services is much greater. Smartphones like the Huawei P50 Pro are not sold significantly cheaper than devices from the competition - quite the opposite. Huawei still competes with Samsung and Apple on price, although the phones are at a disadvantage.


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