OnePlus smartphone launch timeline 2022, monthly new releases planned

OnePlus 10 Pro Extreme Edition Panda White

OnePlus used to only release one smartphone a year. The number was then increased to two with the introduction of the OnePlus T series. Then the number doubled to four with the Pro models. Now, years later, following the launch of the Nord range and the merger with Oppo, the number continues to skyrocket.

So far, OnePlus has released 2 phones this year. According to one tipster, there will be at least 6 more OnePlus-branded smartphones this year.

Yogesh Brar has shared a rough timeline for the launch of upcoming OnePlus devices. His tweet lists 6 devices. There could be more devices, though, as the successors to the entry-level Nord models weren't mentioned.

OnePlus 2022 smartphone launch schedule

  • March – OnePlus 10 Pro
  • April – OnePlus Nord CE 2 Lite
  • Late April/early May – OnePlus Nord 2T
  • May – OnePlus 10R
  • July – OnePlus Nord 3 (OnePlus Nord Pro)
  • End of Q3 – OnePlus 10 Ultra (OnePlus 10 Pro+)

All of the above phones have been leaked before. If you go by the schedule, you can expect new performances every month.


The post OnePlus Smartphone Launch Timeline 2022, monthly new releases planned appeared first on xiaomist's blog .


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