LG Velvet gets Android 12 update with new privacy features

LG Velvet

While LG is done with the smartphone issue, the company is delivering on its promise to continue supporting existing models. This week, the LG Velvet is finally getting its Android 12 update.

The LG Velvet is the brand's first smartphone to receive Android 12 and will initially ship in Korea. While the update is a bit late, it's gratifying that it's coming at all considering LG hasn't played an active role in the smartphone industry for almost a year.

There aren't many changes to LG's Android skin, which isn't surprising, but there are a few things that are mentioned in LG's changelog. One is the new camera/mic privacy indicators, and LG is adding a lock feature to its power menu. There is also a new IOT Device option for the Quick Settings menu. Other Android 12 features of the LG update include exact/approximate app localization and the ability to clear unused app permissions. From the changelog, there is no sign of any implementation of Material You colors or designs.

As mentioned, the update is currently only rolling out in South Korea, but it will likely roll out to international markets in the coming weeks.

The post LG Velvet gets Android 12 update with new privacy features appeared first on xiaomist's blog .


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