Horror classics on Amazon Prime: See the original before the reboot hits cinemas

Horror classics on Amazon Prime: See the original before the reboot hits cinemas

Fancy some horror? If you want to see the original of "Jeepers Creepers" before the reboot hits the cinemas, you now have the opportunity to do so on Amazon Prime Video. But is the film worth it?

"Jeepers Creepers: Reborn", a loose sequel, but above all a reboot of the successful horror franchise, is expected to start in cinemas in April 2022 (source: Kino.de). No longer staged by Victor Salva, but by Iron Sky director and Finn Timo Vuorensola.

Now on Amazon Prime: horror original for the theatrical release of the reboot

But if you can't do anything with it until now, you might be interested in the original from 2001 - currently available on Amazon Prime Video and the perfect first in the series (watch Jeepers Creepers on Amazon Prime). The classic "Jeepers Creepers - It's done" is now more than 20 years old, but what was it about? Let's take a quick look at the description on Amazon:

"Trish and Darry are on a lonely highway on their way home. Suddenly they are harassed by a creepy truck and are just able to save themselves. They see the truck again later. They watch as the driver throws a bundle into an earth tube. As they examine these, Darry falls in. What he discovers there takes his breath away."

Fun Fact: Darry is played by Justin Long. He later not only had a prominent role in "Die Hard 4.0" alongside Bruce Willis, Apple fans also know him as the "Mac", which appeared in numerous and, above all, iconic commercials by the manufacturer between 2006 and 2010. Incidentally, nowadays he does advertising for Intel of all things and thus for Apple's competitors.

Would you like a little foretaste? Then take a quick look:

What good are Jeepers Creepers?

But back to Jeepers Creepers, what good is the horror flick? The IMDb gives it a satisfying 6.2 out of 10 points - not a masterpiece, but worth seeing. However, the film fell short with the professional critics of Rotten Tomatoes, only 46 percent approval. Briefly summarized in the quote: "Jeepers Creepers has a promising beginning. Unfortunately, as the film progresses, the suspense and thrill quickly dissipate into genre clichés (Credit: Rotten Tomatoes)."

Okay, not a second Citizen Kane, but certainly still good for late night entertainment and "evening reading". So if you're not afraid, you should take a look. Good to know: Unfortunately, parts 2 and 3 of the series are currently not available as a package on Amazon Prime Video.


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