{Disarmed} The latest from Xiaomi are smart switches capable of controlling the lighting in your home without connected light bulbs

The latest from Xiaomi are smart switches capable of controlling the lighting in your home without connected light bulbs

Smart light bulbs are one of the best starts when it comes to home automation , since being able to turn on and off the lights in your home with your voice is very visual. Now, the limitation is in the lamps. Some lamps have types of bulbs whose connection is very difficult to find or very expensive.

A smart switch at the price of a light bulb

Now Xiaomi seems to have the solution to all the headaches that some lamps give when it comes to turning them into smart ones and they are: switches. Although its assembly can be a little more dizzying than in the case of light bulbs, the truth is that it is quite simple to assemble.

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In this case, the operation of the switch would change, since even though the light was off, it would power the module that is responsible for communicating with the voice assistants through the Internet . In addition, by having an integrated touch panel, it would continue to allow the lights to be turned on and off both manually and by voice.


And not only that, but also through different touches you can configure them so that they project certain scenes that we want. This new device is called Xiaomi Smart Switch Zero Fire Edition , its surname is due to the fact that it is fireproof and totally safe for this type of installation.

Buying guide for smart light bulbs to control from your mobile: what to keep in mind and recommended models
In Xataka Mobile
Buying guide for smart light bulbs to control from your mobile: what to keep in mind and recommended models

At the moment it is a Youpin crowdfinding . Its price is only 99 yuan , which in exchange is approximately 14 euros per switch.

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The news The latest from Xiaomi are smart switches capable of controlling the lighting in your home without connected light bulbs was originally published in xiaomist by Alejandro Fernández .


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