{Disarmed} The latest Android Auto beta tells you if the cable you use in the car is of good quality

The latest Android Auto beta tells you if the cable you use in the car is of good quality

Android Auto is becoming more complete . Google is testing different features in the latest betas that make this interface more alive than ever. In the latest beta it also tells us if the cable that we plug into the car is of good quality.

A good cable is essential, and not only to use Android Auto

{"videoId":"x83g8ea","autoplay":true,"title":"12 TRUCOS con ANDROID AUTO - ¡Aprovecha al máximo sus funciones!"}

Although we often talk about the importance of the charger , the cable is another essential element for our smartphone to last much longer. A good cable must transmit the current dictated by the transformer in a stable way, so that the load is correct and there are no voltage spikes that could affect the device's battery.

In fact, there are cables capable of only charging the device or transferring files , however, those that come in the mobile box do have both functions.

Android Auto

The Android Auto 7.5 beta includes a diagnostic tool that is capable of shedding light on possible problems that the cable is causing. After opening this tool, you need to disconnect and reconnect the cable . Then the quality of the cable is checked, and finally the wizard checks that Android Auto opens.

If there is any problem in the process of running Android Auto, the user will know about it and can take action on the matter. Since not all cables are compatible and the solution is as simple as changing the cable.

Xiaomi presents its own Android Auto: it's called CarWith and so you can try it
In xiaomist
Xiaomi presents its own Android Auto: it's called CarWith and so you can try it

They should always be from recognized brands and, if you like to go one step further, use applications like Ampere to compare with the original and verify that the device receives the same voltage as the original.

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The news The latest Android Auto beta tells you if the cable you use in the car is of good quality was originally published on xiaomist by Alejandro Fernández .


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