Apple plans mega feature: iPad could soon become a real laptop replacement

Apple plans mega feature: iPad could soon become a real laptop replacement

Will the iPad soon become a real laptop replacement? Apparently Apple is planning a new feature that will fundamentally change the way you deal with multiple app windows – provided a keyboard is connected. But not all Apple tablets should benefit equally.

"Is there room for a third category of devices that sits between laptops and smartphones?" Steve Jobs asked when introducing the original iPad. Since then, 12 years have passed and especially between iPad and laptop, the boundaries are becoming more and more blurred. In the future, the dividing line could become even more permeable.

iPad gets new multitasking when keyboard and trackpad are connected

According to insider reports, Apple is said to be working on a new feature that, in combination with a connected keyboard and trackpad, would significantly redesign the management of app windows. App windows should still start in full screen mode. But as soon as the keyboard and trackpad are connected, the app windows should be minimized and apparently placed anywhere on the screen . Internally, the function is reportedly called "Apple Mixer".

With such a feature, Apple would fulfill a great wish of its iPad users. At least since the presentation of the larger Pro models, which have a screen diagonal of up to 12.9 inches , voices have been raised that call for more diverse multitasking on Windows or macOS .

Apple recently introduced the new iPad Air with M1 chip:

Are millions of iPad users looking down the drain?

However, iPad users shouldn't pop their champagne corks too early, because two limitations could spoil the joy. According to insiders, it is not known whether the improved window control will already be integrated into iPadOS 16 .

Worse still, the new feature is said to be exclusive to iPads with an M1 processor . That makes sense, because free-floating app windows are likely to be more resource-hungry than the previous multitasking. On the other hand, millions of iPad owners would get nothing.


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