Sony in-ears with noise canceling in the Black Friday offer

Sony in-ears with noise canceling in the Black Friday offer

If you are currently looking for true wireless headphones with active noise canceling, you should take a look at the Sony WF-1000XM3. Saturn and MediaMarkt are offering an attractive offer in the run-up to Black Friday 2021.

Update from November 19, 2021: The Sony WF-1000XM3 are currently available at Saturn for 99 euros - a very good price. You can find the same offer at sister company MediaMarkt.

Original article:

The Sony WF-1000XM3 appeared in the summer of 2019 (RRP 249 euros) and were a little cheaper shortly afterwards. Black Friday 2019 saw another sharp drop in prices. We now recommend not spending more than 150 euros on it. In mid-2021, a successor was also released with the Sony WF-1000XM 4 model. This is clearly superior in some points such as sound and noise canceling (see xiaomist test report), but also costs significantly more than the predecessor model, which is now mostly reduced in retail.

Who is the Sony WF-1000XM3 suitable for?

Sony shows proven strengths with the WF-1000XM3: The earbuds and the case are impeccably made. The sound is rich in detail, dynamic and transparent - true wireless earbuds from lower price ranges cannot keep up. The noise canceling (ANC) is effective and ensures a certain amount of peace and quiet when traveling by air or train - but it doesn't quite match the large over-ear Sony WH-1000XM4 (street price around 270 euros).

Here is the official manufacturer video:

The case protrudes slightly from the ears, which can lead to noise in wind (and activated ANC). Where Sony still needs to improve is the app that goes with it, which only reacts sluggishly. After all, the volume control option was recently added to the earbuds via software update - that's a real added value. We especially recommend Android users who value sound quality. Most iPhone users are more likely to use AirPods Pro, which have a weaker sound but are perfectly integrated into iOS and MacOS and are more comfortable to wear.


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