Huawei is giving many devices a second life - under a new name

Huawei is giving many devices a second life - under a new name

Huawei is currently trying with all means to find a way out of the crisis. The US ban is causing the Chinese company a lot of trouble, so that an unexpected idea came up. Smartphones will be licensed in the future. But it shouldn't stay that way.

Huawei doesn't just want to license smartphones to other companies

Huawei's idea of ​​developing new smartphones and licensing them is not all that uninteresting. Other manufacturers can save themselves the development work, buy the components without a US ban and pay Huawei a license fee for them . The Chinese company remains indirectly in the smartphone business and continues to drive development.

It was only recently announced that Huawei smartphones would appear under the TD Tech brand. The TD Tech N8 Pro is basically a copy of the Huawei Nova 8 Pro. Soon there will also be a separate version of the Huawei Mate 40 Pro. Then of course without Leica branding. But there should be a lot more in the future. A leaked picture is supposed to show that TD Tech basically wants to take over all Huawei products . (Source: Weibo).

Accordingly, not only the Mate and Nova series should be sold under their own name, but also the P series, as well as smartwatches, fitness trackers, tablets or televisions. Huawei seems to want to license not only smartphones, but all devices. TD Tech is also a joint venture between Huawei and Nokia . That of course makes the story even more interesting.

In the video we show you HarmonyOS from Huawei on the latest tablet:

TD Tech: Huawei Devices With Google Services?

But anyone who believes that the TD-Tech devices are equipped with Google apps and services is wrong. This company probably doesn't have a license for this either. Only Honor got a Google license after the sale by Huawei and is selling the Honor 50 again with Google apps and services . It will be interesting to see how this story develops and whether we will perhaps see Huawei devices with Google services again via licensing.


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