{Disarmed} Windows 11 ARM running on a Xiaomi Pad 5 is possible and even with a longer battery life

Windows 11 ARM running on a Xiaomi Pad 5 is possible and even with a longer battery life

It is not the first time that a user has been able to install the Windows operating system on a Xiaomi device. In fact, just two months ago we told you how a person managed to install Windows 11 on his Xiaomi Mi 8 , a terminal that, to tell the truth, did not make much sense that he could enjoy this feature.

But now, as we can read through Gizmochina , a user named @ Sunflower2333 has managed to install Windows 11 ARM on his Xiaomi Pad 5 , a device in which it makes much more sense to use this system and which, therefore, is also fully compatible with Windows 10 ARM .

{"videoId":"x84nx6m","autoplay":true,"title":"WINDOWS 11 desde CERO: REQUISITOS, INSTALACIÓN Y PUESTA A PUNTO"}

Windows 11 with 2K resolution and significant battery savings

As we tell you, as we can see in the video shared through Gizmochina, we see how the Xiaomi Pad 5 can run the Windows 11 operating system in its ARM version and, in addition, in 2K resolution.

W11 Pad 5

In addition, it is interesting that the user tells us that the frequency of the CPU cores is reduced, thus achieving an energy saving mode with which the battery of the equipment would be improved with respect to what we can enjoy with MIUI for Pad .

Windows 11 is now available for download: these are all Xiaomi laptops that can install it
In xiaomist
Windows 11 is now available for download: these are all Xiaomi laptops that can install it

Of course, we must bear in mind that the installation of this software does not have official support from Xiaomi , and only these types of experiments serve so that the development of Windows 11 in its ARM variant continues to take shape for future devices that may be released to the market.

Via | Gizmochina

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The news Windows 11 ARM running on a Xiaomi Pad 5 is possible and even with a longer battery life was originally published on xiaomist by Daniel Vega .


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