{Disarmed} What does your birth chart say? With this trick you can receive daily horoscope alerts on your Xiaomi

What does your birth chart say? With this trick you can receive daily horoscope alerts on your Xiaomi

Sometimes we are not aware of how practical a tool can be. And the Google assistant, available on all Android terminals, has evolved a lot since it was called Google Allo. For example, you can program it to receive daily information about your horoscope , whatever your zodiac sign.

Without having to be subscribed to any service to which you have to give away more information than is desirable or without having to install any third-party application, we will tell you how to receive personalized alerts about your sign.

Create a custom alert

Horoscope 1

Reading the horoscope is a practice that, whether by tradition or simple curiosity, is carried out by thousands of people every day. And this is a function that you can turn into a Google "subscription".

When you activate and ask the Google Assistant for information related to the Horoscope in general or your sign in particular , it is likely that the information does not match what we are looking for.

The best way to stay up to date on a specific topic is by going to the "subscriptions", reminders that you can schedule yourself and choose their periodicity (by specific hours, days or weeks). We can also create alarms in Google Analytics , but we will leave this function for another time.

In any case, you just have to activate the Google Assistant and choose, for example, the option " Send it to me every day ".

Schedule Time

At that moment, different options will appear and you can choose the time of day for the Google Assistant to send you the notification.

Edit a previously created alert

Once you have subscribed to a particular news or notice, you can edit it. To do this you will have to tell the wizard " Show my subscriptions ". At that moment, a list will appear with all the cards to which you are subscribed: it could be information about the weather, the Stock Market, a daily famous quote or a random joke.

Cancel subscription

When you find the subscription created for your horoscope or zodiac sign in particular, you can change the time, cancel it or leave it as is. This way you can delete your alert when you have already tired of it.

These are the essential applications of my Xiaomi
In xiaomist
These are the essential applications of my Xiaomi
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The news What does your birth chart say? With this trick you can receive daily horoscope notices on your Xiaomi. It was originally published on xiaomist by Isra Fdez .


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