{Disarmed} How to update pre-installed MIUI apps

How to update pre-installed MIUI apps

MIUI, like other layers of customization, has different pre-installed apps . These applications are not usually found in the Google Play Store like the rest of the apps. Today we will teach you how to do it in MIUI.

How to update pre-installed MIUI apps


Updating pre-installed applications such as " Notes " is very easy in MIUI, for this you just have to follow the following steps:

  • Open " Settings ".
  • Choose " System App Updater "
  • Before entering the section you will know if there is an update available, since the number of available updates will appear, however it is best to enter and click on the button at the bottom " Update all ".
{"videoId":"x847rqi","autoplay":true,"title":"17 TRUCOS de MIUI 12 ¡DOMINA tu nuevo XIAOMI!"}

By clicking on the applications in the list, the notes of each application will be displayed . Although you can also ignore the update to get rid of the notification in the settings section.

The MIUI Notes app is updated and adds new widgets that improve the management of our lists
In xiaomist
The MIUI Notes app is updated and adds new widgets that improve the management of our lists

The steps to follow are very simple, in addition, the updates are usually light and include new functionalities.

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The news How to update MIUI pre-installed applications was originally published on xiaomist by Alejandro Fernández .


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