Apple Watch Series 3: Smartwatch on Black Friday at a bargain price

Apple Watch Series 3: Smartwatch on Black Friday at a bargain price

The Apple Watch Series 3 is now a few years old, but Apple itself continues to sell it as an affordable entry into the smartwatch world. As part of Black Friday 2021, the watch is currently much cheaper.

Apple Watch Series 3: Smartwatch available cheaply

Update from November 27th, 2021: At Amazon you can buy the Apple Watch Series 3 38 mm for only 189 euros (view at Amazon). Other dealers charge well over 200 euros, Apple itself 219 euros. The price is generally very low, but you can currently save a little more.

Original article:

As with almost every Apple product, the price of the Apple Watch Series 3 (test) is very stable. After more than a year on the market, the RRP of 369 euros is almost unchanged. No comparison to competing products, which lose their value significantly after just a few months. Only with the introduction of the new generation and the price reduction of the Apple Watch Series 3 to 229 euros has the watch become noticeably cheaper. Every now and then there were outliers due to downward actions, but the price has remained relatively constant .

Apple Watch Series 3: is it still worth buying?

It depends on. The Apple Watch Series 3 hasn't gotten any worse with the introduction of the Apple Watch Series 5. It's still a good smartwatch. The improvements of the new generation are clearly more visible than with the last models. The display is always on, there is more memory and new materials.

The new Apple Watch Series 7 has some cool tricks on it:

The difference to the brand new Apple Watch Series 7, which has got a slightly redesigned design and a larger display, is even clearer. But Apple itself also sells the Series Watch 3 itself, so you get a cheap entry into the smartwatch world from Apple .


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