Apple hires Ghostbusters makers: the result is impressive

Apple hires Ghostbusters makers: the result is impressive

The Ghostbusters are now up to mischief in the cinema, coincidentally, the makers of the iconic film fun hire Apple for a short time and conjure up a short film that is well worth seeing - anything but mere advertising.

At the end of November, Apple's customers can always look forward to a highlight, when the iPhone manufacturer presents its Christmas film for the current year . Most of these are cinematic works of art that warm the heart, sometimes just over-length advertising spots.

Apple Christmas movie 2021: Snowman instead of Ghostbusters

This year's entry with the name "Saving Simon" is more likely to belong to the first-mentioned category, because the dynamic father-son team Ivan and Jason Reitman from Hollywood are responsible . Film connoisseurs listen carefully. Father Ivan once brought the original Ghostbusters to the screen, son Jason followed in the footsteps and charmed us for example with "Juno" in the cinema. Most recently he took the director's chair on "Ghostbusters: Legacy", the long-awaited sequel is produced by father Ivan Reitman.

Both are now behind the camera for the Apple Christmas film. The is an iPhone 13 Pro, so the current video is in the tradition of the " Shot on iPhone 13 Pro" series . The filmmakers prove: You don't need an extremely expensive professional camera to direct a Hollywood film - the iPhone 13 Pro is professional enough.

The filmmakers in the making of

If you would like to know how to stage such a short film, you should also watch the making of the spot:

With the spot, Apple of course not only awakens the sense of family, but also desires. However, if you want to buy the new iPhone 13 Pro, you have to be patient. In the free trade everything is currently sold out , at Apple itself we currently have to expect deliveries by December 10th. Still in time for the party.


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