WhatsApp: With a new function you can hide

WhatsApp: With a new function you can hide

WhatsApp is gradually integrating new functions that make your life with Messenger easier. This time it's about your privacy. With a new function, WhatsApp will protect them more strongly and allow you not to have to show your profile picture to every contact.

WhatsApp: Profile picture can soon be hidden individually

WhatsApp's privacy is important to its users, so more and more functions are being integrated in this direction . We recently reported that you will soon be able to hide your "last online" status from individual people. In this way you can protect yourself from individual people who are persecuting you. Exactly the same function is now also being developed for the profile picture (source: WABetaInfo).

So far it has been the case in WhatsApp that you can show your profile picture to everyone, your own contacts and nobody. In the future it will be so that you can also choose "My contacts except ...". So you can individually determine who you show your profile picture to. If you don't want everyone to see the picture that you have set as your profile picture on WhatsApp, then you can choose that soon. So you can hide from selected people if necessary .

The new function makes perfect sense, because just because you have a contact on WhatsApp does not mean that you are really friends with them or want to keep in closer contact. Especially if you don't just use WhatsApp privately .

Be prepared for the next WhatsApp outage

A few days ago WhatsApp failed completely for several hours. All Facebook services could not be used for several hours. If you still want to keep in touch, you should get a WhatsApp alternative for emergencies. I personally use Threema, but there are also free alternatives with Signal or Telegram. We have recorded the advantages and disadvantages of the individual messengers in this detailed article.


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