WhatsApp changes the way you listen to voice messages with a new function

WhatsApp changes the way you listen to voice messages with a new function

WhatsApp is planning a really big change in Messenger that will actually have a positive effect on the use of voice messages. Especially when you get very long voice messages, the global player will make a big difference.

WhatsApp gets global voice message player

Voice messages in WhatsApp are both a blessing and a curse. You're happy when you don't have to type a long message and can hear the other person's voice instead of having to read a long text. But sometimes the voice messages are so long that you want to be on the go in Messenger. So far it has been the case that the voice message stops when you leave the chat window in which you are listening to the voice message and want to take a look at other chats. That is exactly what is changing now.

The WhatsApp experts at WABetaInfo have now found out that a big change is pending. With the global player for voice messages, you can start listening to voice messages in a chat and exit the chat window to browse other WhatsApp chats or groups. Meanwhile, a player is displayed above that allows voice messages to be controlled accordingly.

The new function is particularly useful when you have to listen to very long voice messages. In WhatsApp you no longer have to stay in the chat window in which you listen to the message and you can continue to use WhatsApp. Leaving the messenger and continuing to listen to the voice message is already possible. Only in Messenger can you not move freely until now .

The best WhatsApp alternatives in the video :

The start date for the new WhatsApp function is unknown

So far, the new WhatsApp function is not publicly available. It is currently still in development. It is currently not known when WhatsApp will activate this feature. As soon as that happens, we will let you know.


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