WhatsApp alternatives: the 13 best messengers (iOS & Android)

WhatsApp alternatives: the 13 best messengers (iOS & Android)

Despite constant criticism, WhatsApp is still the top dog among messengers. There is no lack of alternatives, but there is a willingness to install another app. Many WhatsApp alternatives offer safer chats, extended functions or very special features. We'll show you the 13 top alternatives for WhatsApp, which you can either use alongside WhatsApp or even as a complete replacement.

WhatsApp has been part of Facebook since February 2014, so some users worry about their privacy. Especially since the service can be used completely free of charge and the green messenger has to be financed so differently - and is now taking clear steps. We'll show you the best messengers, regardless of whether you are looking for an inexpensive alternative, a particularly secure and therefore encrypted replacement or simply an overview of what the messenger market has to offer.


As far as security is concerned, the Jabber / XMPP client Conversations is ideal - unfortunately not when it comes to ease of use for beginners. The big advantage of the Jabber open source chat system is that it works in a similarly decentralized way as e-mail: So you can choose for yourself which provider you set up your Jabber account with or you can even create your own Jabber server and still use all of them Users communicate, regardless of which client or server they are using.

Tip: Some e-mail services offer the free or inexpensive use of an XMPP / Jabber server.

If you already have an XMPP / Jabber account, you can simply use it for conversations. You can also create a new account at Conversations to use the messenger's server, but you have to pay 8 euros a year. If you want to get the app directly from the Play Store, you have to pay a one-time fee of 2.39 euros. Alternatively, you can also install the app free of charge via F-Droid. Technical laypeople have to read something beforehand, but they get one of the most secure chat systems with modern message encryption (OTR) and multi-client end-to-end encryption (OMEMO), which also works beyond the limits of the Android client.


Free open source, latest encryption and security standards Share images, videos, GIFs XMPP / Jabber can be used across platforms Multiple accounts possible Disadvantages Not easy for beginners Possibly additional costs

Element (formerly riot.im)

Element Messenger Riot

The service formerly known as Riot Messenger underwent an urgent name change in mid-2020 and is now known as "Element". Element relies on the open and decentralized matrix network, which supports IRC and XMPP. In addition, Slack can also be integrated, which allows you to navigate between private and professional chats without switching apps.


Free open source end-to-end encryption & cross-signing Images, videos, GIFs share group chats and video calls Matrix network (XMPP / IRC) Cross-platform (web, Android, iOS, Windows, Linux & macOS) Independent Account, no phone number or email required Slack integration Disadvantages Missing functions (e.g. voice messages) Few (German) users


Like many chat services on the computer, Kik simply works with a username. Kik has a decisive advantage over many other chat apps: You can join public chat rooms and create your own. So you can exchange ideas not only with your own contacts, but also with the entire Kik user community.


Free of charge Can be used without a phone number Share pictures, videos, GIFs Chat rooms Integrated browser Large number of users Disadvantages User interface that takes a bit of getting used to


Messenger (Facebook)

Of course, if you want to distance yourself from Facebook, Facebook Messenger may not be the first choice. Nevertheless, we are dealing with a messenger that is very popular and offers many functions. In any case, the majority of WhatsApp users will also be found on Facebook. So why not use one application instead of two?


Messages can be sent from the smartphone to other mobile devices as well as to computer users. Registration is via your own Facebook account. Individual and group chats are possible. Large number of users VoIP calls are possible


Registration also possible via mobile phone number Settings a bit difficult



Oxen Project Session Messenger

The open source messenger session developed by the Oxen Project has a special feature in terms of security: It does not rely on central servers, but, like the Tor project, on onion routing, i.e. a constantly changing, random server network. This ensures the anonymity of the sender and recipient.

Of course, messages and files are also encrypted end-to-end, no metadata is saved and neither a telephone number nor an email address are required for the account.


Free of charge open source onion routing desktop client end-to-end encryption Independent account, no phone number / e-mail required Disadvantages Very small number of users


The California-based open source messenger Signal is repeatedly recommended by privacy advocates and security experts. Signal was programmed for encrypted protocols from the start, but differs only slightly from the top dog WhatsApp. Group chats, IP (video) telephony and sending pictures, videos and other files is just as uncomplicated as with the big model.

There is also another security feature called "Disappearing Messages" - messages that can only be read for a limited time. Only the use of the phone number to identify the user may be a thorn in the side for some friends of the anonymous use of a messenger.


Free open source end-to-end encryption Video telephony Share images, videos, GIFs very easy to change Disadvantages Calling number for identification



Skype is probably one of the most popular alternatives. In addition to a web and desktop version, the developer Microsoft also offers apps for mobile devices. Unfortunately, Skype is still a classic desktop application for many, which is why you will rarely reach contacts who are not at the computer. This is perhaps due to the rather clumsy and battery-heavy app for mobile devices.


Large user base Free voice and video calls Group chats Many platforms


Battery-intensive application A bit cumbersome for a short chat on mobile devices



Telegram is currently one of the most popular WhatsApp alternatives and is in almost no way inferior to the great role model in terms of functions. The special focus on security, with which Telegram likes to advertise as a better WhatsApp alternative, has, however, often become a point of criticism. End-to-end encryption is not a standard, but is only used in so-called "secret chats", the non-transparent corporate structure is considered a flaw and some security functions have probably already been eliminated. You can read more about it on: WinTotal, BasicThinking & Süddeutsche Zeitung.

We therefore cannot recommend Telegram as a safe alternative to WhatsApp. However, if you are simply looking for a functional and widely used alternative to the popular messenger, you can of course still give Telegram a chance.


Many users share free pictures, videos, GIFs very good media and data exchange very easy to change platform cross-platform (Android, iOS, PC)


Telephone number for initial identification Questionable security (company, metadata, etc.) End-to-end encryption not a standard


Threema recorded one of the largest user inflows after the sale of WhatsApp to Facebook. No wonder, because the messenger from Switzerland not only focuses on security, but also benefits from a high data protection standard.

One of the core functions is therefore the 255-bit end-to-end encryption. In one step for even more security, Threema has disclosed the entire source code of its software, which means that the messenger is now also Open Source. And when it comes to extended messenger functions such as voice messages, sending files or a web client, the secure alternative doesn't have to hide from WhatsApp either.


End-to-end encryption of text messages, pictures, videos and GPS locations Contact synchronization (optional): find other Threema users automatically Independent account, no phone number required Send pictures, GIFs and videos and voice messages Share your own location on a map Security status of a each contact is displayed. Web client for use on a PC / laptop open source


One-time fee. Small number of users



WhatsApp alternative Viber

Viber has a particular advantage over many other messengers: You can retrieve messages even if they have been sent for a long time and have already reached the recipient. The messenger also offers the usual full program: telephone calls via VoIP, emojis, games and group chats. Sending files is also possible.


Free phone calls and group chats possible. Share photos and videos as well as voice messages with contacts. HD voice quality. Push notifications. Large number of users


Access to the entire address book is a basic requirement (as with WhatsApp) for the app to be installed at all


Wickr Me

Wickr Me Messenger

The US company Wickr has been part of Amazon Web Services since 2021. The communications company has been offering several secure messengers for various target groups since 2012: Wickr Me is the free messaging app for private individuals. All chats, messages and files are encrypted end-to-end and can be set to a deletion timer if desired. The messenger can be used without a telephone number or email address and does not require access to your contacts.

A small downer: Wickr is only partially open source. While the Crypto Library has been freely available on GitHub since 2017, client and server code remain company secrets.


End-to-end encryption of text and voice messages and files. Independent account, no phone number / e-mail required. Deletion timer for messages and files. Various messengers for different applications (private and corporate). Partly open source


Small number of users Partly open source



The Swiss open source messenger Wire has primarily written the word security on the flag. All messages and data are provided with end-to-end encryption. In addition to the features already known from many other messengers, such as video telephony and the sending of different files, the use of several profiles at the same time is a unique selling point. So you can operate a private and a professional account at the same time and do not have to laboriously switch back and forth in the app.


Can be used anonymously free of charge End-to-end encryption, secure servers in Europe Send images, videos, GIFS, voice messages and other files (zip, PDF, etc.) Open-source video telephony Use multiple accounts at the same time Disadvantages So far, only a few users



Zom was created as a spin-off from the extremely secure messenger ChatSecure. Like the parent project, Zom also relies on the open chat protocol XMPP, uses the modern message encryption Off-the-Record Messaging (OTR) and multi-client end-to-end encryption OMEMO. However, Zom focuses on ensuring that it is just as easy to use for technically less experienced people as WhatsApp & Co.


simple operation using open standard with other XMPP chat services compatible standard encryption techniques (OTR, OMEMO) video telephony secure file transfer of images, videos, GIFs etc. no phone number or e-mail necessary disadvantages Occasionally server or connection problems



There are numerous apps that have a similar range of functions as WhatsApp. Which replacement app you ultimately choose depends on the one hand on your own taste, but also on which application you can agree on with your friends, colleagues and relatives. However, if you are looking for an alternative and can convince your contacts about the possibly necessary change, you will find a large selection.

Which alternative or second messenger do you personally use and why? Let us know in the comments.


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