Tariff bargain: 10 GB & Allnet / SMS flat rate for less than 10 euros - can be canceled monthly

Tariff bargain: 10 GB & Allnet / SMS flat rate for less than 10 euros - can be canceled monthly

Looking for a monthly cancellable mobile phone tariff at a low price? Then the current promotional tariff from Handyvertrag.de could be interesting. The Allnet and SMS flat rate with 10 GB of data volume only costs 9.99 euros per month. However, the offer is only valid for a few days.

Promotion tariff: 10 GB with Allnet & SMS flat rate for 9.99 euros per month

The Drillisch brand handyvertrag.de has launched a new, time-limited promotional tariff. Until October 12, 2021 (11 a.m.) you can secure an all-network and SMS flat rate including 10 GB data volume for 9.99 euros per month. The monthly cancelable option incurs a one-time provision fee of 19.99 euros. You save this if you opt for the variant with a 24-month term.

The details of the tariff at a glance:

Provider: handyvertrag.de (Drillisch) Network: o2 Allnet- and SMS-Flat 10 GB data volume (max. 50 MBit / s) EU-Roaming inclusive Can be canceled monthly, 30 days notice period Automatic data: yes (can be switched off) Basic fee per month: 9, 99 euros provision fee : 19.99 euros (not applicable for a 24-month term)

Missed the offer? Here we have summarized all current Drillisch tariff offers for you to compare.

Handyvertrag.de will bear the cost of taking your phone number with you. This is how it works smoothly:

For whom is the mobile phone tariff bargain worthwhile?

The bargain tariff with 10 GB data volume for 9.99 euros from handyvertrag.de is suitable for everyone who already owns a smartphone and wants to spend as little money as possible on a cell phone tariff. If 10 GB a month is enough for you, why pay more? In addition to the data volume, you also have access to an all-network and SMS flat-rate for unlimited calls and SMS.

You do not take a risk, because the tariff can be canceled monthly with a notice period of only 30 days. The only thing to note is the one-time provision fee of 19.99 euros if you opt for the option without a 24-month term.


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