Samsung uses a new method to refuse smartphone repairs

Samsung uses a new method to refuse smartphone repairs

Samsung recently launched two new folding smartphones, the Galaxy Z Fold 3 and Galaxy Z Flip 3. But it is precisely with these models that Samsung probably uses a new evaluation method with which one would like to protect oneself from unauthorized repairs. But this also affects owners who have legitimate claims to repairs.

Samsung smartphones: Accelerometer records falls

According to the latest information, a "case log" will also be integrated with the new folding smartphones from Samsung (source: WinFuture). It is reported in Korean media that Samsung will refuse repairs if a fall is detected based on the information obtained with it . Samsung wants to avoid having to meet unjustified claims that cause high costs.

The new function significantly expands the monitoring of Samsung users. For example, a case is reported in which the owner of a Galaxy Z Flip 3 with a crack in the display was not supposed to receive repairs because it was found that the mobile phone has already recorded a fall three times . He claims, however, that the display tore on its own, without his intervention and without a fall. Since the smartphone was only a few days old, Samsung repaired it as a goodwill gesture.

In the video we show you the affected Samsung smartphones:

Samsung expects more problems with warranty processing

Now, of course, you don't know for sure whether the display cracked due to the read-out falls, which supposedly did not happen, or whether there was another problem. It is clear, however, that Samsung records more information and that can lead to difficulties if you want to assert your claim.

A fall of a smartphone can also result in minor harm and have no influence on the damage that you would then like to claim. Or maybe Samsung will only use the technology if the display is cracked and the likelihood is very high that it was related to a fall. At the moment it is only known that fall detection is being used in South Korea. It remains to be seen whether this will also be the case in Germany.

Incidentally, in Germany you get accident protection for one year free of charge when you buy a new folding cell phone such as the Galaxy Z Fold 3 (to test) from Samsung (check it out at Samsung). This includes accidental damage, including display breakage and liquid damage to the device. Nevertheless, we would like to know whether Samsung is recording the information about falls, as this could then lead to difficulties with other devices. We will therefore ask the manufacturer for information.


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