Samsung realigns the Galaxy S22 and S21 FE

Samsung realigns the Galaxy S22 and S21 FE

Samsung didn't have much success with the Galaxy S21. High hopes are therefore placed on the Galaxy S21 FE, which is to become a cheaper alternative. After some back and forth, the timetable for the Fan Edition but also for the Galaxy S22 should finally be ready. Not everyone will like it.

Samsung Galaxy S21 FE in January, Galaxy S22 later

The rumor mill is in turmoil. The Galaxy S21 FE, which should have been presented weeks ago, but was then probably withdrawn, is now supposed to appear. Samsung is said to have committed to a performance in January 2021 . According to SamMobile, the Galaxy S21 FE will probably only be unveiled and launched on the market via press release. Delays occurred as Samsung couldn't find enough chips to produce.

This also has a negative effect on the Galaxy S22. According to SamMobile, Samsung should not launch the next top smartphone earlier in December 2021, but rather later than actually in February 2022 . The normal release was actually planned for January 2022. But it shouldn't come to that.

Samsung wants to bring the Galaxy S21 FE to market and create a buffer of one month between the release of this smartphone and the Galaxy S22. With both smartphones, Samsung currently has the problem that not enough chips are available . This could mean that the smartphones are not available in the usual high numbers at the start and there are waiting times.

Samsung has to step up: In the video you can see how Xiaomi trumps the Galaxy S21:

Samsung is looking for chips

Samsung hit the chip crisis late, but now with full hardship. Even the Samsung Mobile boss has been traveling to get more processors to produce smartphones. It will be exciting to see how the situation develops in the coming weeks and months and whether the delays are confirmed.


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