Samsung Galaxy S22: No other smartphone can do this

Samsung Galaxy S22: No other smartphone can do this

Samsung is planning a new function for the Galaxy S22 that no other smartphone in the world has. Especially in games you will see a huge difference compared to previous cell phones. For Samsung, this marks the beginning of one of the most important partnerships in years.

Samsung Galaxy S22 with ray tracing

We have known for a long time that Samsung is working with AMD on the Exynos 2200 to take its own processor to the next level. Especially in the area of ​​the graphics unit, Samsung will do a lot more and Qualcomm will also compete with Apple. Samsung has now confirmed that the Exynos 2200 uses ray tracing technology (source: Weibo via Notebookcheck).

Ever since the launch of the latest graphics cards and next-gen consoles, we have known that ray tracing ensures breathtaking graphics in PC and console games. An AMD GPU works in the PlayStation 5, which also masters ray tracing and takes games graphically to a whole new level. This is exactly what Samsung promises for games on the smartphone. A direct comparison already shows the difference :

The effects, reflections, the smoke and generally the whole atmosphere are considerably enhanced on the smartphone . With ray tracing, Samsung devices also get a function that no one else in the field can copy. A partnership with Nvidia or AMD would have to be entered into. AMD is tying itself to Samsung and Nvidia will not easily go along with another manufacturer.

In the video we explain what makes ray tracing so special:

Exynos processor with ray tracing is also important in other devices

The Samsung Galaxy S22 with ray tracing is likely to be just the beginning. The Exynos 2200 and future processors will also have this AMD GPU and could also be used in tablets. In the end, only the developers have to be involved in adapting their games.


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