Reaction to Samsung: Xiaomi redesigns new cell phone

Reaction to Samsung: Xiaomi redesigns new cell phone

At the beginning of the year, Xiaomi presented its first folding phone: the Mi Mix Fold. In response to the new Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3, the Chinese manufacturer is now planning a revised version of the smartphone. There should be improvements in three main areas.

With the third generation, Samsung has cured most of its teething troubles with its foldable smartphone: The Galaxy Z Fold 3 is more comfortable to hold, has become lighter and more robust, and has also improved its technology. So it is not surprising that Xiaomi now wants to follow suit .

Xiaomi's new folding phone is expected to catch up with the Galaxy Z Fold 3

The manufacturer should not yet have a real Mi Mix Fold 2, as speculated in June, but an improved version of the first version (source: Weibo via Android Authority). According to insider reports, the revised Mi Mix Fold should have a 5,000 mAh battery with 120 watt quick charge function, a cover and interior display with refresh rates of 90 and 120 Hz and a sub-display camera.

The original still has to do without these functions . For example, the Mi Mix Fold only has a refresh rate of 60 Hz on the cover display, whereas it was 90 Hz on the inside folding display. The battery can also be quickly recharged with only 67 watts.

What we think of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3, we show in the video :

What should Xiaomi's new folding phone cost?

When and at what price the revised Mi Mix Fold will be launched is not yet known . Rumor has it that a number of new folding cell phones will go on sale in the fourth quarter of 2021 - Xiaomi's one could be one of them. The predecessor is currently only available in China and costs the equivalent of a comparatively inexpensive 1,300 euros there.

Hopefully Xiaomi will bring the new model to Germany at similarly affordable prices.


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