Netflix is ​​raising prices: Apple customers are now paying more

Netflix is ​​raising prices: Apple customers are now paying more

Surprisingly, Netflix has announced a price increase through the back door. Existing customers in Germany may have to pay more for the streaming service. This affects customers who have obtained the Netflix app from the App Store.

Netflix: Subscriptions via iPhones and iPads are becoming more expensive

No more discounts: Netflix is ​​currently sending an email to customers informing them about a "price adjustment". This affects all subscribers of the streaming provider who continue to pay for their subscription via the Apple App Store . The previously possible price reduction will soon no longer be available here. Instead, the normal monthly fees are charged, which have been due at Netflix since January 2021.

The reason for the previous price reduction are Apple prepaid cards , some of which were offered more cheaply. So the monthly price to be paid for Netflix could be pushed down. But that is now the end, since access to Netflix has not been billed via the App Store since the end of 2018. Netflix wants to bypass Apple's revenue sharing.

Anyone who has previously put a little less on the table for Netflix will have to pay more from November 2021 (source: ifun). According to the provider, the change will help to provide "even more great entertainment". To avoid the price increase for at least three months, it is worth taking a look at Telekom's new Netflix offer.

How does Netflix compare to other streaming providers? The answer is in the video :

Netflix: Prices between 7.99 and 17.99 euros

Since the beginning of 2021 , Netflix has charged higher prices for two subscriptions. While the basic subscription in SD quality still costs 7.99 euros, the standard subscription is available for 12.99 euros. Before it was 11.99 euros. With the premium subscription, the monthly amount to be paid has increased from 15.99 euros to 17.99 euros.


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