Make your Xiaomi fly with these simple tricks

Beyond having all kinds of customization options, as well as a wide variety of themes , MIUI allows us to customize certain settings that are capable of giving our Xiaomi, Redmi or POCO an extra fluidity and in general, greater performance. .

Regarding this, whether you have an entry range, a mid-range or even a flagship of the brand, below we have compiled three essential settings that you should definitely activate and see for yourself the performance improvement:

1. Make the cache clear automatically

One of the essential settings that you should definitely activate on your Xiaomi, Redmi or POCO is the automatic cache cleaning . This will ensure that the system is always in optimal condition, all without the need to do anything.

Haz que tu Xiaomi vuele con estos sencillos trucos. Noticias Xiaomi A

To activate this option it is enough with:

  1. Go into Settings> Battery and performance. Once inside, from the gear icon we will access the settings.
  2. Next we will look for the option " Clear the cache when the device is locked ". Change the value of " Never " to any of the other values. It is best to use the value " In 30 minutes ".

2. Improve the connection and speed of internet access

Among the many options that MIUI offers us, we find the traffic mode and in turn the extreme mode . These allow us to obtain a higher performance in the speed of Internet access , prioritizing the application in use of your Xiaomi.

To enable these modes on your Xiaomi, Redmi or POCO and thus improve the speed of Internet access, you just have to follow these steps:

Haz que tu Xiaomi vuele con estos sencillos trucos. Noticias Xiaomi A

  1. Go to Settings> Wi-Fi> Wi-FI Assistant> Traffic mode
  2. Once inside we will activate the Traffic mode and then we will select the option « Extreme mode «.

In addition, if you want to improve the speed of Internet access to the maximum, we recommend disabling the following setting that usually causes interference in WiFi networks:

  1. Go to Settings and search for « Search »
  2. After that we will enter the option called « Search for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth «
  3. Once inside we will deactivate the option « Search for Bluetooth devices «

3. Prevent unnecessary applications from starting

Applications, especially those that run in the background, take up RAM memory thus reducing the space available for other important processes. The less RAM we have free, the lower the performance of our Xiaomi, Redmi or POCO .

To avoid this, you just have to carry out these steps:

Haz que tu Xiaomi vuele con estos sencillos trucos. Noticias Xiaomi A

  • Go to Settings> Permissions> Automatic start
  • Once inside, we will deactivate all applications that we do not want to load automatically when we turn on our smartphone.

The entry Make your Xiaomi fly with these simple tricks was first published in xiaomist: Xiaomi news and news website .


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