Leave WhatsApp: The free Android app automatically informs your contacts

Leave WhatsApp: The free Android app automatically informs your contacts

If you want to leave WhatsApp and don't feel like notifying all your contacts manually, you can use a free Android app for this. Especially after the introduction of the new terms of use and the major outage, WhatsApp alternatives have become much more popular.

WhatsApp: automatically inform contacts about changes

Not everyone wants to bow to WhatsApp's new terms of use or wants to be prepared for the next Messenger failure. So that you don't have to manually notify all contacts, there is the free Android app Watomatic. There you can set that when a WhatsApp contact writes to you, you automatically send him a message telling him which messenger you are on now . This also works in groups.

You can also use this function to temporarily inform people that you can also be reached with an alternative messenger, should WhatsApp fail again. Having an alternative doesn't mean you have to switch completely. But you can change from time to time. If Facebook fails, WhatsApp and Instagram are usually also affected. All belong together and are closely involved. There is nothing wrong with using an alternative. This enabled me to keep in touch during the period of the failure.

In the video we show you the best WhatsApp alternatives:

WhatsApp: change or stay?

So far it has always been said that you have so many contacts on WhatsApp that you cannot switch. But users who have not yet been interested in the data protection of WhatsApp and Facebook will also be informed of this by the reporting and are thinking about switching. So if you are looking for a WhatsApp alternative, we will show you the advantages and disadvantages of the various messengers.


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