iPhone SE 3: This Apple phone is too good to be true

iPhone SE 3: This Apple phone is too good to be true

The iPhone 12 got its well-deserved successor this year with the iPhone 13, but the affordable iPhone SE went unnoticed by Apple. This should change in 2022. The justified hope is spurring the imagination of talented designers in the meantime. However, they present us with an iPhone SE 3 that, in the end, is too good to be true.

The well-informed rumor mill is unanimous: next year, Apple will again be sending a new, inexpensive iPhone into the race with the third-generation iPhone SE in order to win the favor of customers. This year, however, as expected, only the iPhone 13 was presented in four versions - definitely not for bargain hunters.

iPhone SE in a new look: A dream of an Apple cell phone

But how could Apple design the iPhone SE 3? The makers of the YouTube channel "ConceptsiPhone" give a rather imaginative and equally impressive answer. Specific technical data are left out, but some things can still be deduced from the images (source: ConceptsiPhone).

This is how the creators of the design hope for the new iPhone SE in 2022:

Equivalent to the iPhone 12 and iPhone 13, a metal frame is used that provides a rather flat-edged design. The screen is integrated accordingly in full format. We are looking in vain for a home button like the current model. Nevertheless, Touch ID (Apple's fingerprint sensor) could perhaps hide in the power button, similar to the iPad Air and iPad mini 6.

Face ID, on the other hand, does not have to be integrated, because there is only a simple punch-hole camera and no more notch. In other words, the necessary sensors are missing, a sub-display variant as suspected for the iPhone 14, on the other hand, appears exaggerated and far too expensive for the "cheap model".

Several colors are available. All less poppy, more pastel colors like the iPad Air, iMac or the AirPods Max. In terms of camera technology, you have to cope with a single lens . If you want more, you have to pay more and choose one of the other iPhone models.

In 2021, Apple has so far only presented the iPhone 13 - all four variants in the video:

Reality check: The chance of implementation is currently rather low

The bottom line is that such an iPhone SE 3 would be a real asset to Apple's portfolio. On the other hand , it will probably remain a dream, at least the previous reports on the iPhone SE 3 suggest this. Apparently, Apple doesn't want to change much in the next year - a new processor and a 5G modem, that's all there is to it.

The design will not actually be changed until 2023. Rumor has it that Apple uses the iPhone 11 as a template. This should mean that the flat-edged design presented here should be off the table. Nevertheless, as is well known, hope dies last.


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