iPhone 14: Apple is pushing the memory limit

iPhone 14: Apple is pushing the memory limit

This year, Apple surprised the iPhone 13 Pro with a storage option of 1 TB. A premiere and thus also a new record, there has never been so much memory in the iPhone before. As early as next year, however, the manufacturer could go a step further and push the memory limit again.

One thing is already certain: the iPhone 14 will be different. It is very likely that we will have a modified housing and no more notch, instead a front design with a "punch hole", ie a small camera hole and no display notch. But there is also something new to discover inside.

iPhone 14: Apple wants to offer 2 TB model

The bustling rumor mill is currently promising a memory upgrade to a fabulous 2 TB for the iPhone 2022 - there's never been that much in an iPhone before. Only the iPad Pro and Macs are currently offered by Apple with this much storage space (source: MyDrivers via MacRumors). Rumor has it that Apple wants to switch to QLC flash storage for this. What is that? QLC stands for "Quad-level Cell" and ultimately offers low costs per gigabyte and a lot of storage space, which means that capacities can increase even more. The way for an iPhone with 2 TB would be open.

But who needs so much memory? Even the current iPhone 13 Pro (Max) with 1 TB seems oversized for the "normal" user. This may be so, but you shouldn't even buy this storage variant. Apple is already targeting professional users with the high storage option. For the time being, those who film with the iPhone. In particular, the ProRes format now offered by Apple is extremely memory-hungry. An example calculation ...

The reason: real video professionals need more space

Those who record in ProRes (4K resolution) must expect up to 6 GB of storage space per minute (source: Ray Wong from Inputmag). The smallest, Pro-Res-capable iPhone 13 Pro with 256 GB of storage only offers space for a little more than 40 minutes of Pro-Res video. But then nothing else in terms of apps and data may be installed. If you also want to use your iPhone for other purposes, you will need a lot of memory and actually can't have enough of it. This would also explain Apple's will to offer an iPhone 14 with 2 TB next year. The demand would exist, even if the largest mass of buyers would certainly not be addressed.

Apple's current smartphone portfolio in the video :

The iPhone 14 will also be available in four versions again , although the mini version will probably be deleted. Instead, Apple would like to add a "normal" Max variant with 6.7 inches to the standard model with 6.1-inch display. The two Pro versions will also be available in 6.1 and 6.7 inches. There is also speculation regarding a periscope zoom camera. Ergo: We could also get significant improvements in the camera optics.


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