iPhone 13 lets you look deep: Ingenious wallpaper for the Apple mobile phone

iPhone 13 lets you look deep: Ingenious wallpaper for the Apple mobile phone

Who would like to only use the wallpapers installed by Apple for the start and lock screen of the new iPhone 13? The makers of iFixit are now making a genuinely ingenious alternative to the colorful monotony available free of charge.

If you have already seen enough of the colorful fantasy worlds of Apple wallpapers, you will be happy about really creative wallpapers for your recently acquired iPhone 13. These wallpapers are now available free of charge from the iFixit hobbyists (source: iFixit).

iPhone 13: Set up teardown pictures as wallpaper

In the usual way, they recently unscrewed the iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max, grabbed the camera and created a special kind of wallpaper. They allow a virtual look under the hood of the Apple cell phone and thus place the circuit board in the center. Alternatively, X-rays from the iPhones are also available. If you install this background image, you get a transparent iPhone in the truest sense of the word.

Simply surf the iFixit website with your iPhone and select the desired motif, speak to it, view it in full screen mode and then save it. Then simply set it as a background image within the settings - done.

Currently only the recordings for the iPhone 13 Pro (Max) are available, but of course they can also be used on the normal iPhone 13 or scaled on the iPhone 13 mini for the amazing effect.

Still undecided which iPhone 13 it should be? Our video will help you decide:

Better just take it for the lock screen

Our tip: The best result is probably achieved when using it on the lock screen, because the fewer elements such as app icons or widgets disturb the view, the more amazing the optical illusion will be . Clearly seen in the picture above. It looks less pretty on a full home screen. Here we would recommend less detailed background images.


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