iPhone 13 hardly inspires: The spark does not jump over

iPhone 13 hardly inspires: The spark does not jump over

Alarm signal for Apple: According to a new survey, the iPhone 13 is far less popular than its predecessor. The intention to buy has decreased noticeably. The respondents think that the iPhone 13 is simply not "exciting" enough.

Survey: The iPhone 13 hardly inspires

The new iPhone 13 models are here and quite a few Apple customers are currently wondering whether an upgrade from an older iPhone makes sense . According to a large-scale survey in the US, where a total of 5,000 iPhone users were asked, enthusiasm for the iPhone 13 is pretty limited. The purchase intention has fallen by 20 percent compared to the iPhone 12, so the conclusion (source: SellCell).

The spark does not jump over with the iPhone 13. When asked what they think of the new iPhone 13, 14.4 percent of Apple users said it was "extreme" or "very exciting". 21.5 percent rated it as "a little exciting"; 64.1 percent think it's "not very" or "not at all" exciting. Real enthusiasm looks different .

Another key figure is likely to be even more important for Apple. Only 23.2 percent of those surveyed said that they could imagine upgrading to the new model or that they had already ordered a new iPhone. The iPhone 13 Pro is the most popular choice among upgraders at 42.5 percent, followed by the iPhone 13 Pro Max (26.3 percent), the normal iPhone 13 (22 percent) and finally the iPhone 13 mini (9.2 percent) .

In the video : This is how the iPhone 13 models differ.

iPhone 13: The display and the battery are safe

When asked what they like about the iPhone 13, respondents gave expected answers. The ProMotion display with 120 Hertz in the Pro models and the increased battery life are positively mentioned. The lack of Touch ID and the view that there is no function that justifies an upgrade are on the negative side.

According to the survey, Google is the most popular brand among Apple dropouts with 45.1 percent, followed by Samsung (41.8 percent), OnePlus (8.4 percent) and Motorola (3.7 percent).


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