Huawei is switching and replacing the core of the smartphones

Huawei is switching and replacing the core of the smartphones

Huawei wants to continue building smartphones, but has to come up with something due to the difficulties in obtaining chips. New smartphones that will come onto the market in the coming months will therefore have a different processor than what is otherwise used from Huawei devices.

Huawei is increasingly relying on Qualcomm chips

If you bought a Huawei smartphone in the past, you also got a Kirin processor with it. Huawei developed the chips themselves and adapted them to the smartphones' own needs. The US sanctions mean that this is hardly possible any more. Huawei does not get enough components to manufacture the chips itself and therefore has to switch. Most of the new smartphones that Huawei will bring to the market will therefore be equipped with a Qualcomm chip (source: GizChina).

Since Huawei is not allowed to use 5G technology, Qualcomm had to specially rebuild its own processors. Huawei will receive high-end and mid-range chips with 4G modems from Qualcomm that no other manufacturer in the world uses. Doesn't make sense either, because 5G is the new standard that people are buying because it is more future-proof. Huawei is forced to take a Snapdragon 888 or 778G with a 4G modem.

If Huawei did not switch to 4G chips from Qualcomm, the Chinese company would probably hardly be able to build smartphones any more. There are still some smartphones with Kirin 9000, but they will be really rare. A 5G modem should then also be installed here.

Huawei Nova 9 is coming to Germany soon

Things will get interesting again for Huawei this month. Instead of the Mate 50, a Nova 9 is to come to Germany. It will be the first smartphone with HarmonyOS that can really be bought here. So far, the new operating system is only available on tablets and smartwatches.


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