Huawei founder speaks plainly: The struggle for survival has begun

Huawei founder speaks plainly: The struggle for survival has begun

Huawei is currently not having an easy time on the market. The Chinese company not only feels this when developing new products, but also when ensuring future viability. This is also of great concern to the Huawei founder.

Huawei Founder: It's about survival

The Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei addresses his employees at regular intervals and spreads perseverance slogans with which the ailing company should get through the difficult times. Now it was that time again and the announcement was more serious than ever. For the Chinese company , it's nothing less than survival (source: ithome).

According to him, Huawei has been promoting the acquisition of foreign students in the past two years. Now it is time to bring the best talents in the world on board , who not only contribute well, but also inspire and achieve goals. The aim is to ensure the company's ability to innovate, which in recent years has ensured that Huawei became the largest smartphone manufacturer in the world before the US ban stopped the company. Huawei also wants to spend more money on this.

Without these talents, Huawei could drift into insignificance in the long run. The Chinese company already has problems building the smartphones it wants to offer. The US government has simply cut Huawei off from modern technologies like 5G . New smartphones appear with 4G modems. The company also lacks other components in order to be able to build competitive smartphones.

In the video we show you the new HarmonyOS from Huawei:

Huawei has success with HarmonyOS

The only positive news from Huawei is currently only in relation to HarmonyOS. The operating system was adopted faster than any mobile operating system before. HarmonyOS now runs on over 120 million devices. The operating system is currently only available as an update in China . Huawei wants to reach 300 million devices by the end of 2021. If things continue as before, it will work without any problems.


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