Hammer price for iPhone 13 Pro with 40 GB of data in the Vodafone network

Hammer price for iPhone 13 Pro with 40 GB of data in the Vodafone network

Fancy the new iPhone 13 Pro? At Flymobile you get Apple's top smartphone including 40 GB of data volume, all-network and SMS flat-rate in the Vodafone network. xiaomist does the math and reveals why the deal is so good.

Apple iPhone 13 Pro including 40 GB in the Vodafone network

In the Flymobile online shop you are currently getting the iPhone 13 Pro (128 GB) with the "Smart XL Basic Boost" tariff including 5G-capable 40 GB data volume as well as all-network and SMS flat rates in the Vodafone network for EUR 54.99 in the Month plus 308.99 euros one-time costs (additional payment for smartphone + connection fee).

The iPhone has a 6.1-inch Super Retina XDR display with a variable refresh rate between 10 and 120 Hz for an even smoother display and razor-sharp images. Special attention was paid to the camera lenses in the Pro: The triple camera has new sensors and lenses and allows up to 6x optical zoom.

You can read more details about the new iPhone 13 Pro here:

Overview of tariff details

Tariff: "Smart XL Basic Boost" Network: Vodafone 40 GB LTE (up to 500 MBit / s incl. 5G ) Allnet and SMS flat rate 24 months contract period, 3 months notice period

We show you what the iPhone 13 Pro can do in the following video:

The following costs await you:

Basic fee: 24 × 54.99 euros per month One-time additional payment for the smartphone: 269 euros Connection fee: 39.99 euros Shipping costs: free of charge
= 1,628.75 euros total costs after 24 months

iPhone 13 Pro in the tariff bundle: That's why the offer is so good

According to Idealo.de, the iPhone 13 Pro (128 GB) smartphone currently costs 1,149 euros from trusted retailers. If you subtract this device value from the total cost of 1,628.75 euros (after 24 months) for the tariff, you still have 479.75 euros . This means that you actually pay only 19.99 euros per month for the 5G tariff with 40 GB in the Vodafone network. For comparison: for a mobile phone contract with similar conditions, you pay almost 60 euros per month directly with Vodafone.

But don't forget to cancel in good time, i.e. at least 3 months before the end of the contract. If you do not do this, the contract is automatically extended for another year and the basic fee increases to 56.99 euros per month.


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