Google Maps unlocks a new function that can save you a lot of money

Google Maps unlocks a new function that can save you a lot of money

Those who like to drive a lot by car have to cope with ever higher prices for petrol and diesel. Google is responding to the trend and introducing a new feature in Google Maps that can save you money by driving a route that uses less fuel. This can also be a good option for e-cars.

Google Maps introduces navigation to save fuel

Sometimes you just have to drive a slightly different route to noticeably save fuel. With the help of artificial intelligence and the inclusion of many factors, Google is now starting a new navigation that suggests a fuel-saving route in Google Maps . Using the extended display, you can see directly on the basis of your route how much fuel you would save if you took a different route and how much more time it would take (source: Google). Google shows how this works in this video:

In the future, you will continue to see the gray routes as alternative routes, but a small sheet will now also be displayed , which shows that this route can be driven particularly economically. At the same time, you can also see how much fuel can be saved compared to the other route and whether it would be worth the time you need more for it.

Since Google Maps basically observes and analyzes all traffic in real time, you can also get other routes displayed at different times, even if you actually always have the same destination. If you stick to the route, you can save a lot of money over the year . Of course, Google also wants to protect the environment and reduce CO2 emissions.

New function in Google Maps from 2022

In the USA, the new function will be launched straight away and has already been activated in Google Maps. The feature will also come to Europe in 2022 . We do not yet know an exact date. In the future, this could not only save normal cars money, but also e-cars if the most efficient route is taken. So here everyone wins.


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