Google: Android 12 is ready, updates will come later anyway

Google: Android 12 is ready, updates will come later anyway

This approach is also new. Google has completed Android 12, but the final update for Pixel smartphones has not been released. Normally the update should have been made available for download today. What's going on there?

Android 12: Update is delayed

I was actually looking forward to this day today. Not only is Windows 11 there and ready to be installed, Android 12 should also appear today according to the schedule. It does - at least in part. So far it has always been the case that Google publishes a final version of Android and offers it for download directly for its Pixel smartphones. Today Android 12 was released - but only in the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) . The updates for Pixel smartphones should appear in a few weeks (source: Google).

On the one hand, this approach is disappointing, because I cannot bring my Pixel 5 to the final state and finally get rid of the small bugs of the beta version, on the other hand, the manufacturers can now go into the final stage with their beta tests . Various manufacturers such as OnePlus, Oppo and Co. are now starting tests based on the final Android 12 version. Samsung should also integrate these soon. The gap between the rollout of Android 12 on Pixel smartphones and for other manufacturers is likely to be significantly smaller this year. At the end of the year, the updates should appear from third-party manufacturers, according to Google.

We show you in the video what changes with Android 12:

Android 12 held back for Pixel 6 launch?

According to its own information, Google wants to implement subtleties in the pixel features before the final update to Android 12 appears in a few weeks for its own smartphones. This must have happened no later than the launch of the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro at the end of October . So do we have to be prepared for Google smartphones that Android updates will appear later because Google is changing the Pixel Launcher so much? We don't want to hope so, because that would remove a big selling point. Pixel owners want their Android updates immediately and without waiting.


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