{Disarmed} Telegram got 70 million new users during WhatsApp outage

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Monday afternoon the world seemed to have stood still for a few hours. The Facebook cosmos was offline for almost 7 hours, Facebook, its Messenger and Instagram and WhatsApp were no longer available. It was the longest Facebook outage ever. But one could be happy, Telegram.

Apparently, the competing chat app Telegram was able to gain 70 million new users during this time. 70 MILLION. This has now been confirmed by the CEO of Telegram, Pavel Durov in a Telegram post:

"Telegram's daily growth rate is an order of magnitude better than the norm, and we have welcomed over 70 million refugees from other platforms in one day. I am proud of the way our team handled this unprecedented growth as Telegram continued to function flawlessly for the vast majority of our users. "

Pavel Durov, Telegram CEO

At the same time, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerburg is said to have lost about $ 6 billion. Well, he'll be able to get over it, about 120 billion are still there. Still, I am sure that 70 million WhatsApp users who "fled" to Telegram are likely to be more painful.


The post Telegram got 70 million new users during WhatsApp failure first appeared on xiaomist's blog .

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