{Disarmed} Samsung Galaxy S22 series: will the release be postponed?

Samsung Galaxy S22 series

Will the release of the Samsung Galaxy S22 series be postponed? It seems like Samsung wants to make space for the presentation of another device, the Samsung Galaxy S21 FE! Yes, exactly that model, which has actually already been completely canceled . But yesterday there were new signs of life of the model and it is said that it should now appear in January 2022.

Samsung doesn't seem to want to give up the Galaxy S21 FE yet and is even sacrificing the January 2022 release of its new flagships of the Galaxy S22 series. So you can read it now. And allegedly postpones the release to February 2022. It is believed that Samsung could plan an unpacked event as part of MWC 2022 at the end of February.

But none of this makes much sense. Why postpone the most important smartphone series for a smartphone that was originally supposed to appear in May 2021? It is hopelessly out of date after all !? Or are there completely different reasons? Is the chip crisis causing problems for Samsung already with its Galaxy S22 series?

It is clear until now that nothing is clear. Samsung has not really communicated clearly what phase is now regarding the long-awaited Galaxy S21 FE in the last few weeks. The users are insecure and will probably not wait any longer and look elsewhere in the meantime. There are enough cheap and well-equipped devices from the competition out there.


The contribution Samsung Galaxy S22 series: will the release be postponed? first appeared on xiaomist's blog .

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