{Disarmed} Samsung Galaxy S21 series: Beta 2 of Android 12 / One UI 4 released

Samsung Galaxy S21 series One UI 4-Beta Android 12

Samsung has now started to distribute the 2nd beta of Android 12 / One UI 4 for the Samsung Galaxy S21 series in Germany. The beta program started three weeks ago and, as expected, the new second beta brings a number of fixes and improvements - and it also includes the new virtual RAM feature.

The new version is called G99xxXXU3ZUJ1 and is a proud 969.04 MB in size. In addition to RAM Plus and various improvements as well as many other bug fixes, a new color theme is used, which is now more reminiscent of Material You.

In addition, Samsung also rolled out the security patch from October 2021 with this new version. Now it's time to continue testing diligently and looking for and finding errors. And hopefully Beta 3, which will hopefully be available soon, will be much more stable and error-free.

Samsung has promised that the final Android 12 update for the Galaxy S21 series will start this year. However, the manufacturer did not give an exact date, I would guess December, just in time for Christmas.


The post Samsung Galaxy S21 series: Beta 2 released by Android 12 / One UI 4 first appeared on xiaomist's blog .

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