{Disarmed} Samsung Galaxy S21 FE is supposed to come, but not until much later

Samsung Galaxy S21 FE header

Is there still a sign of life in the Samsung Galaxy S21 FE? Actually, one thought that the topic was through. But apparently not after all. Because the latest rumors indicate a start. But much later than previously thought. We'll have to wait until the beginning of next year.

The chip crisis has ensured that there will probably be no Samsung Galaxy S21 FE this year. Actually it should be presented in May, then in August and finally in October. But nothing came of it and Samsung had actually already canceled the model. Or not?

The Samsung Galaxy S21 FE will probably not come onto the market until December or January 2022 together with the Samsung Galaxy S22 series. Hmm, it's kind of weird, why isn't there a Galaxy S22 FE right away? Or will it be presented even under this year?

So far these are just rumors. With the Samsung Galaxy S21 FE in particular, you can't say anything reliably, there is simply too much in the balance.


The article Samsung Galaxy S21 FE is supposed to come, but it wasn't until much later that it first appeared on xiaomist's blog .

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